WP3: Partner training

  • WP3 objective and rationale – Training partner RPs of each municipality to correctly use provided equipment for effective landslide reporting. The package is Specific, Measurable in terms of success rate measurement performed by testing the RPs, Achievable given appropriate resources and time, Relevant for sustaining the project and specified Time-wise.
  • WP3 work description – These WP3 actions are in tune with Objective 1, 2 and 6, hosted by the partner institutions (chosen municipality that will host the group) and scheduled within two month following the WP2 deliverables:
  • Action 3.1 Preparing and printing brochures and guidelines as training tutorial materials and organizing the training venue (that will be hosted in chosen partner institutions, but other expenses, such as travel and per diems of RPs will be covered) within two months before the training.
  • Action 3.2 Five 1-day trainings, one per each group. All (27) RP tandems will be divided into groups by regions (e.g. 5 municipalities that belong to the same or adjacent regions will be grouped together) within two months after the kick-off. Training will be performed by participants. The action will include theoretical and practical (field work) demonstration and will involve BEWARE portal functionalities that are to be developed by then in WP4.
  • Action 3.3 Testing RPs’ acquired skills and knowledge by assigning practical (homework) tasks that will simulate real tasks in the future. Time frame, within two weeks after the last training session. The action is to be continued as regular practice for actual landslide event reporting by RPs.
    • WP3 deliverables – Total of 54 (2×27) trained RPs capable of performing effective, standardized and accurate landslide event reporting. Brochures and supplementary materials, which can help sustain the concept after the project completion, by providing a knowhow for future (local authority-initiated) RP candidates, given that equipment will remain at disposal of local authorities and Civil Protection offices.